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Ownership Delegation

An SP needs to transfer the owner address (with identical beneficiary address) of a Miner Actor to the Repl protocol's agent smart contract to activate pFIL minting access. To do so, please follow the instructions below.

First, go to the “Onboard” section and search the miner ID.


After the search result returns, you will see the estimated pFIL minting allowance of the Miner Actor. Then, click “Create” under the “Create Agent Contract” tab.


After reading the instructions, click “Confirm” to create an agent contract with the Repl Protocol. Your wallet app will pop up and ask you to approve the transactions.


This might take a short while because the Filecoin blockchain needs to execute and confirm the transaction.


When the agent contract is successfully created, you will be able to see instructions on which address you need to transfer the ownership to. Click “View” on the “Transfer Miner Address” tab to see details.


Then, initiate ownership change on your miner node. Please note that this is not an operation of the Repl protocol. Instead, this operation needs to be performed from the miner node.

Please also make sure that you keep the private key to the original owner address as it will be the designated address for miner claim back.

If operating on Lotus, please refer to the link below:

After initiating the ownership transfer on the miner’s end, click “Confirm” under the “Confirm Miner Transfer” tab to approve the transfer from the agent contract.


Your wallet app will pop up again and ask you to confirm the transfer. If you see the success message, it means that your ownership delegation is successful.


You will be able to see the miner under the “Manage” tab now.
